Special Thanks to the Bisbee Observer Newspaper for sharing the info below.
• July 16 – A two-vehicle accident resulted in injuries.
A man who was out of town said his neighbors called to let him know there were teenagers “roaming the property.”
A man asked for help getting the mother of his child to follow a court-ordered parenting plan.
A caller complained about a neighbor playing his guitar “really loud with all his doors open on a regular basis.”
A man said several items were stolen from his vehicle while he was visiting.
A caller reported that a large utility truck and a “house on wheels” were blocking access to his property.
A woman and two men were reportedly fighting over a child in the Safeway parking lot.
A caller complained about someone “barking like a dog and causing a disturbance.”
A caller asked for someone to check on a dog that was tied to a chain less than 5 feet long, had no food and water, and is never taken inside during bad weather.
A man was reportedly approaching “seniors” and begging for money.
A caller reported that a man was yelling behind Safeway again, and he planned to confront him because “he is tired of it.”
A man in front of the Grand Hotel was reportedly drunk and stumbling around before lying on the ground; the responding officer determined he was sick, not intoxicated.
A woman said someone threw a rock at her vehicle near Sunset Acres trailer park.
• July 17 – A caller complained that a neighbor’s dogs had been barking for over an hour.
A man at Gore Park reportedly threatened to kill someone.
A man said his dark blue 2007 Hummer H3 was stolen by a woman he’d “picked up” the night before. When he woke up, she was gone, and so were his keys.
A man from Sierra Vista said his wallet was stolen out of his cart.
A landlord reported that a man had rammed a pole through the garage wall of his rental property and damaged the tenant’s car.
A caller said three men had abandoned a pickup truck about a week before, and it was causing parking problems for residents and families trying to take their kids to the park.
A caller said a “daily shuttle” containing pleadings for court cases had been missing since July 6 and was believed to have been stolen.
A woman said her parked car was hit by a woman driving a white Chevy Cruze who left the scene.
A caller complained that a neighbor has been coming over to their property and threatening and harassing them.
• July 18 – A woman said the grounds keeper at her complex came into her apartment and was yelling and cursing at her about “laughing after 10 p.m.” the previous night.
A woman reported that her ex, for whom she has an order of protection, was sitting on the stairs across from where she works and smoking marijuana.
A caller involved in a dispute about property lines said his neighbor threatened to shoot him.
A man said his father was confronted by someone in front of his house, and when his father went inside, the man started banging on a car window.
A woman who was lying down inside a restaurant and not responding was taken to the hospital.
A woman called for help with a vehicle blocking her private driveway.
A woman complained that her neighbor keeps screaming at her dogs because they are barking, “but they are barking because he’s standing there screaming at them.”
Someone reported a rattlesnake in the front yard.
A man complained that a “patrolman” keeps pulling his wife over and harassing her.
• July 19 – A caller reported that her mother and stepfather had been drinking and were fighting outside.
A woman who refused to pay her bill at the Copper City Saloon was charged with theft.
A caller asked that a red and green Isuzu Rodeo that had been parked nearby for two weeks be tagged for a parking violation.
A large bonfire was reportedly creating a possible fire danger.
A woman called for help after a “female” tried to get inside her residence.
A gate on Howell Avenue was reportedly vandalized.
A dog was killed on Naco Highway.
• July 20 – A caller reported that a man who had been trespassing the previous night had returned.
A woman said someone broke into her freezer at a residence on Spring Canyon Road and left it open.
A suicidal woman was transported to Canyon Vista Hospital.
A woman called to report a large tree had fallen on top of her car and had brought a power line down with it. A responding officer noted that a sewer line had been broken as well.
A large white metal sign in the middle of the road was creating a traffic hazard.
A man reported that an electrical line had been ripped out of the side of his house.
Someone on a motorcycle was reportedly speeding through Tombstone Canyon for over 20 minutes.
• July 21 – A man said he heard five to seven “pops” behind the old Plaza Liquors building.
A small tree fell on a woman’s parked car, damaging the passenger side.
A dog running in traffic was eventually captured and was later retrieved by its owner.
A woman said items were missing from her residence and things had been moved around.
After a caller reported hearing calls for help, medics were requested for someone who had fallen.
• July 22 – A caller said two Hispanic males were yelling at “a guy” and throwing rocks at him.
A woman reported losing her wallet on Main Street near the Coffee Company.
A caller said she almost hit a large Hispanic male in a black shirt, black boots and jeans who was standing in the middle of the road.
• July 23 – A man complained that people have been dumping trash on his property, including dog feces.
Summary of Calls: Between July 16 and 23, 2018, the Bisbee Police Department received 99 calls regarding domestic violence, welfare checks, extra patrol, harassment, theft, suspicious persons and other issues.
The current CCSO media report was unavailable at press time.
• July 23 – Daniel Baker, 36, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with failure to appear.
Uriel Vargas Vasquez, 31, Bisbee, was booked into jail on a fugitive warrant.
Frank Benavidez, 49, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with threat to cause physical injury or property damage.
• July 24 – Bert Colita, 74, Hereford, was booked into jail charged with disorderly conduct/domestic violence.
• July 25 – Brian Henery, 34, Hereford, was booked into jail charged with disorderly conduct/domestic violence and intentional injury/domestic violence.
Mickey Oller, 60, McNeal, was booked into jail charged with assault/domestic violence, disorderly conduct/domestic violence and threatening/domestic violence.
• July 26 – Manuel Moots, 38, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with theft.
• July 28 – Yesenia Moreno, 20, Naco, was booked into jail charged with failure to appear.
Kurtiss Munro, 41, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with intentional injury and domestic violence, fighting and disruptive behavior, defacing or damaging property and a fugitive warrant.
Allan Percy, 23, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with intentional injury/domestic violence.
• July 29 – James Sorg, 35, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with probation violation and false reporting.
Pretrial inmates in the Cochise County Jail are innocent until proven guilty.
• July 23 – A man was taken to jail after threatening a victim’s advocate because he was angry that the owner of a dog that he claimed bit him was not going to be prosecuted.
The crisis team responded to a medical emergency involving a highly intoxicated man who was suicidal.
• July 24 – A caller complained that his neighbors’ dogs had been barking for more than three hours, since 6 a.m.
A caller requested assistance with a “diamondback snake.”
A man lost his white S5 Galaxy phone with a blue cover after leaving it on the top of his car.
A dog was left inside a silver Kia.
• July 25 – A man who was working on his car at 4:30 a.m. had two neighbors call to complain about the noise.
Some campaign signs were vandalized at the Warren Ballpark.
• July 26 – A woman said her neighbor keeps harassing her about leaving her dog outside, even though the dog has shade, shelter and water.
A man complained that his adult daughter was at his house to get her purse, but he did not want her there.
A car reportedly ran into a building, but there were no injuries.
A man called to say he was heading into Bisbee with a coworker suffering from severe heat exhaustion.
A man who was sleeping in the post office said he was trying to get out of the rain but agreed to leave.
• July 27 – A man called to report that four men jumped him and beat him up. The responding officer found the caller was “heavily intoxicated” and no longer wanting to file a report.
A man said a tow dolly for a shed that had been parked at Adams and Laundry Hill was preventing him from being able to turn around.
A woman said someone stole her purse containing her debit card and $1,200 in cash from her parked car.
A woman asked officers to tag a Honda sedan with California plates that had been parked in front of her residence for several days.
A caller said a man with scratches on his face came to his residence and said he had been fighting with his wife and needed police assistance.
A woman asked for help with her ex-husband, who she said had threatened to kill her in the past and was at her house, asking to come in.
• July 28 – A caller reported a fight at her house between her stepson and a woman she did not know.
A woman who was house-sitting said that after showering, she noticed that her cash, debit and credit cards, and driver’s license were missing from her purse.
Someone in a white truck was reportedly going the wrong way behind the Old Bisbee post office.
A woman complained that a neighbor’s three large German Shepherds were biting at the fence, and she was concerned they would pull it down.
A woman who appeared intoxicated was reportedly walking down the middle of the road.
• July 29 – A caller complained that his neighbor on Laundry Hill plays his music so loud that he can hear it through closed windows with the air-conditioning on.
A caller said a man had been sleeping in the park regularly and “appears to be making himself comfortable.”
Someone complained that a white Cadillac or Lincoln is constantly speeding on the road from the trailer park.
A woman reported that her Social Security card and lottery tickets were missing from her purse, and may have been taken at the office where she works.
A landlord complained that two people who are not residents of the apartment complex were going from tenant to tenant and causing problems, and he wanted them to leave.
Two teens wearing black shirts were reportedly trying to jump the school fence.
Summary of Calls: Between July 23 and 30, 2018, the Bisbee Police Department received 84 calls regarding domestic violence, welfare checks, extra patrol, harassment, theft, suspicious persons and other issues.
• Aug. 1 – Damian Farrar, 26, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with failure to appear.
• Aug. 2 – Veronica Cazares-Fuentes, 21, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with failure to pay a fine, failure to appear, promotion of prison contraband, and possession or use of drug paraphernalia.
Adrian Linares, 29, Palominas, was booked into jail charged with probation violation.
• Aug. 3 – Dawn Edmonds, 40, Hereford, was booked into jail charged with touching with intent to injure or provoke.
Edward Heilman, 50, Hereford, was booked into jail charged with prohibited possessor possessing a weapon.
• Aug. 4 – Michael Larimer, 60, Hereford, was booked into jail charged with DUI and open container in a vehicle.
Seth Thomas, 27, Hereford, was booked into jail charged with possession or use of drug paraphernalia and possession or use of marijuana.
Pretrial inmates in the Cochise County Jail are innocent until proven guilty.
• July 30 – A man doing landscaping across the street noticed a brick had been thrown through a window of a vacant house on Hermosa Place.
Someone driving an early ‘90s white Chevy pickup with a blue bottom crashed it into a parking lot wall.
A local principal asked to meet with an officer regarding “some threatening pictures going around.”
A woman reported that someone had used her name to apply for an Old Navy credit card.
A caller asked for an officer to remove her brother from the property because he was bothering her.
A man reportedly stole an umbrella and then walked to Burger King. The responding officer found two subjects there with umbrellas and no receipts.
• July 31 – A woman said her vehicle was hit overnight, breaking the driver’s side window and mirror.
A man asked for extra patrol after reporting a woman who was acting odd and asking him to take her to her dead brother. He said she told him he would regret not giving her a ride.
A caller asked for help removing a woman who had been asked to leave a few days before but had returned and locked herself in an apartment.
A man said he had impounded a “flutter” sign for the golf cart tours because they are not allowed on public property in Old Bisbee.
A man was reportedly “cussing, banging on stuff” and breaking windows out of his vehicle.
• Aug. 1 – A woman said she ran over a large, dead javelina in the eastbound lane west of the tunnel.
A customer who paid with a counterfeit $20 bill was arrested.
A man reported that his wife had left her purse on steps near the Copper Queen Hotel, and a hotel employee saw a man with a goatee, about 20 years old, wearing a black cap and a “muscle” shirt, grab it and walk off. The purse was later turned in at the police station.
A woman reported seeing a couple taking property that belongs to her sister. She described the man as “tall, brown hair, skinny, long beard,” and the woman as wearing a Gilligan hat and vest-type shirt with no sleeves.
A dog that had barked for three hours the previous night had been back at it for an hour.
A man reported that someone had fired a shot in his backyard and had almost hit his kid.
• Aug. 2 – A caller complained about people camping for the past four days in an RV parked on a city street, saying it’s an ongoing problem and “upsets a lot of the neighbors.”
Someone broke into the laundry room of a residence on Melody Lane and damaged the door.
A woman said she has a neighbor who usually walks his dog three times a day, but she hadn’t seen him and could hear his dog barking.
A man who had just gotten off the city bus said a young man wearing all black was arguing with him and becoming aggressive.
A man who is in a wheelchair and requires assistance reported that he paid $600 to a health care provider for August, but immediately after paying her, she said, “I quit” and walked out. When the caller told her she couldn’t do that, she said, “Try to stop me.”
A caller reported that someone slashed his tires the previous night.
• Aug. 3 – An EBT card was found on the street and turned in to the police department.
A man said his mother gave personal information to someone who called and said they were with Washington Federal Bank. He said $265 was taken out of her account.
A caller reported a naked man lying in front of a restaurant.
• Aug. 4 – The license plate on the St. Elmo’s truck was reportedly stolen.
A caller reported that a man who had ordered a drink had failed to pay for it.
A woman said someone hit her black and tan Maserati while it was parked across from Thuy’s.
An officer responding to a complaint about loud music at the Silver King determined the music was “not unreasonable” for that time of night (9:30 p.m.).
A woman said she needed help dealing with her drunk daughter.
• Aug. 5 – A woman who found her friend trying to hang herself was able to remove the cord from her neck and call for help.
Two dogs were left inside a silver Honda; the caller said the windows were slightly open, “but it is really hot.”
Summary of Calls: Between July 30 and Aug. 6, 2018, the Bisbee Police Department received 107 calls regarding domestic violence, welfare checks, extra patrol, harassment, theft, suspicious persons and other issues.
• July 23 – A woman said she made a deposit for construction to be done on a church in Hereford, but no one showed up to do the work.
An animal bite was reported in Bisbee.
A Hereford woman said her neighbor’s dogs are always loose and had followed her home, where she took them inside and gave them water.
A Hereford woman said her neighbor called to tell her that it looked like someone had kicked in the door to her residence.
A woman asked for help because her boyfriend was trying to kick her out of the house that she pays rent for, and she had nowhere to go.
A large cow was in the road in Double Adobe.
• July 24 – A Bisbee woman called to say she wanted her mother removed from the property.
A woman in Palominas reported that her 18-year-old daughter was threatening to jump from the roof.
Five to six head of cattle were loose on Hereford Road in Palominas.
• July 25 – A Hereford man reported that his brown Dachshund had been missing since the previous evening.
A man in Hereford said someone had been fraudulently using his credit card and had stolen over $490 from his bank account.
A Bisbee landlord said two people she had evicted were on the property, and she wanted them removed immediately.
A woman reported a bear on her property in Hereford.
A woman in Hereford said a man had been trespassing on her property and was now on her neighbor’s property.
A woman asked for help retrieving belongings from the Palominas home of her ex-husband.
A black Lab/Border Collie wearing a new tan and green harness was found in Hereford.
A Hereford man reported that “his partner” had been drinking and was driving to Bisbee.
A man in Hereford reported that he and his brother had been fighting.
A Palominas woman asked for assistance regarding a former friend who had been harassing her and accusing her of stealing.
• July 26 – A wrecked white station wagon was reportedly abandoned in front of the Palominas fire station.
A man reported that his three young German Shepherds had gotten loose and were chasing deer.
A black and tan Yorkie/Shitzu was reported missing in Hereford.
A black calf was loose on Campobello in Hereford after dark.
• July 27 – A woman asked for help retrieving property from a Bisbee residence.
Bisbee Police asked for assistance with a man threatening his ex-wife in Bisbee.
A Hereford woman asked for help locating her husband, who had been discharged from the hospital but had not returned home.
A caller in Hereford reported that someone in an ATV was “flying up and down the road.”
• July 28 – An artist in Bisbee asked for help removing a rattlesnake from his painting studio.
A caller reported that a woman sitting on the side of Moson Road said her husband stole their car and left her there.
A man said his friend in Palominas told him she wanted to kill herself.
• July 29 – A caller said he had moved five cows off a road in Double Adobe but was concerned they would get back in the road and be hit.
Cattle were loose at the S curve in Double Adobe.
A Hereford woman said her soon-to-be ex-husband had punched the window of her truck.
An inmate at the Bisbee Jail wanted to press charges against another inmate for assault.
A Palominas woman asked for help with a dog trying to get through the fence of her yard.
A friendly white shepherd was found in Palominas.
A caller said a woman driving a Chevy Aveo hit her 4Runner in Palominas.
• Aug. 6 – Dawn Edmonds, 40, Hereford, was booked into jail charged with disobeying a judicial mandate or proceeding.
Benjamin Saenz, 23, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with intentional injury/domestic violence and criminal damage/domestic violence.
• Aug. 8 – Cecilia Clark, 20, Hereford, was booked into jail charged with shoplifting and passively resisting arrest.
Nathan Johnson, 20, Hereford, was booked into jail charged with a fugitive warrant.
Walter Krause, 46, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with disobeying a judicial mandate or proceeding.
Kolton Ochoa, 22, Elfrida, was booked into jail charged with possession or use of a prescription drug and possession or use of a dangerous drug.
Katharine Phillips, 29, Palominas, was booked into jail charged with two counts of shoplifting, planning or supervising stolen property trafficking, and criminal simulation of an object.
• Aug. 9 – Harvey Dutcher, 28, Hereford, was booked into jail charged with probation violation.
Pretrial inmates in the Cochise County Jail are innocent until proven guilty.
• Aug. 6 – A woman called to report that two weeks earlier she’d caught a man spear-fishing and swimming in her pond, which he has been doing for over two years.
A caller reported the theft of pipes and joints for a 10-by-20 foot awning from the back of a property on Clawson Street.
• Aug. 7 – A woman complained about her neighbor’s roosters waking her up.
A black wallet with “Dead Pool” on it was lost near the tennis courts.
A power line with shoes hanging on it was dangerously low.
A Wells Fargo employee conducting an inspection at a property on Hereford Road discovered damage caused by theft and/or vandalism, including a missing closet door and outlet cover; a damaged exterior door, interior door window glass and drywall; and graffiti on the wall.
Someone was reportedly flying a drone into traffic on Main Street by the post office.
A woman reported that her neighbor’s ladder had fallen onto her car and broke the windshield.
• Aug. 8 – A man said his neighbor has been harassing him and had threatened him the previous night, saying, “You’re going to burn in your house.”
A middle school student on in-house suspension at the high school reportedly threatened a teacher and tampered with a fire extinguisher.
Two dogs were left inside a white Toyota Tacoma with the windows cracked only an inch or two in the middle of the day.
A caller complained that a white and tan Winnebago and a small black car had been parked at a lot on Tack Street for more than six weeks.
• Aug. 9 – A woman reported that someone had used her personal information to steal her Social Security money, which she receives through Direct Express.
A woman said four girls were at her house, accusing her little sister of stealing an iPhone.
• Aug. 10 – A caller complained that the trailer belonging to the Old Bisbee Brewing Company was blocking the road again, “and the bus can barely make it through.”
A loose donkey that was headed to Main Street by way of St. Elmo’s was captured by its owner.
A caller reported shots being fired from the east side of Purdy Lane for the past 45 minutes.
A skunk got into a garbage can and became trapped.
A woman reported that someone was trying to steal her neighbor’s car, but she called back to say it was the owner, who “had changed clothes [so] she did not recognize him.”
A woman complained that the dogs at the end of her street keep getting loose and were in her yard when she got home.
Someone reportedly threw a rock through the window of a residence on Bisbee Road.
A woman said a skunk had chased and sprayed her vehicle.
• Aug. 11 – A caller complained that a homeless man with dark hair and a beard and wearing a fishing cap was yelling near the gas station.
A woman reported that she had an apparition in her house that was able to switch genders and was on top of her air conditioner. She was advised that apparitions don’t follow human laws, and police are unable to do anything about them.
A caller complained that a neighbor’s dog at the corner of Whelan Avenue and First “barks from morning to night.”
A caller complained that people were walking two dogs off-leash in the new playground at Vista Park.
• Aug. 12 – Two dogs were left inside a white Dodge truck parked in front of the tattoo parlor by their owners, who had gone into St. Elmo’s.
A woman said her neighbor had threatened her with a gun.
A caller who complained about loud music at Screaming Banshee and was told it would be turned off at 10 p.m. called back at 10:06 p.m. to report that it was still too loud, and his daughter needed to sleep.
Summary of Calls: Between Aug. 6 and 13, 2018, the Bisbee Police Department received 117 calls regarding domestic violence, welfare checks, extra patrol, harassment, theft, suspicious persons and other issues.
• July 30 – A caller reported a truck “named Clamatic” was “driving all over the road” in McNeal and passing cars in “no passing” zones.
A woman in Palominas said someone had damaged her automatic cattle gate with a hammer the previous night.
Someone hit a deer in Bisbee.
A trailer in Double Adobe was blown over during a storm, and three power poles on Morin were snapped in half.
Someone in Palominas ran into a car belonging to his/her in-laws on private property.
Cattle were running loose again on a roadway in Palominas.
A black Toyota pickup was stuck in a wash in McNeal, and the driver said water was coming through the floor boards.
• July 31 – A woman in Hereford found two small dogs in her yard––one black, one reddish.
Four drivers were stopped in Bisbee for speeding. One was reportedly going 80 mph.
A cow was “inching towards the roadway” in Palominas.
A Hereford woman claimed that her former renters damaged the interior and exterior of the residence while they were moving out.
• Aug. 1 – A caller relayed a message from “one of her drivers” that there appeared to be a body on “the dirt piles” in Hereford.
A Hereford man was bitten by his dog.
• Aug. 2 – A caller in Hereford said his neighbors often leave their dog outside to bark, possibly to upset another neighbor.
A man complained that two small dogs came onto his property in Hereford and attacked his dogs and horses.
A Palominas woman was at the ER after being bitten while trying to break up a fight between her dogs.
Two cattle were spotted near the retention pond on Arizona Street in Bisbee.
Someone reportedly caused damage backing into a “laundry facility” in Bisbee.
A Bisbee man said he dreamed his fiancée was being raped, and he asked for an officer to check on her.
• Aug. 3 – A man in Double Adobe complained that two Hispanic females were standing near his garage and refusing to leave.
A man said people were attempting to get into his house in Bisbee through the back windows.
A man was bitten by his neighbor’s dog in Double Adobe.
A Hereford man said he and his wife had purchased a vehicle that turned out to be stolen.
A woman in Palominas said she could see a fire in the mountains but wasn’t sure if it was in the U.S. or Mexico.
A Bisbee caller asked for extra patrol because “the bathrooms are being broken into.”
Two power poles were down in Double Adobe.
A man said he had a ladder “disappear” and had noticed things had been moved inside his home in Bisbee.
• Aug. 4 – A hospital worker reported that a Hereford resident was bitten by the family dog.
A caller complained about loud music near Sandy Lane in Hereford.
A Double Adobe resident said a man had been sending him threatening text messages.
A woman in Hereford reported her red-nose pit bull missing.
An officer was flagged down at Ricardo’s in Hereford to assist a 57-year-old woman who was having trouble breathing.
A caller reported that a large tree limb had fallen off a trailer onto Hereford Road.
A woman in Palominas said her two dogs, one of them a 95-pound pit bull/mastiff, had been missing for an hour.
A Palominas resident reported someone target shooting behind his house.
• Aug. 5 – Two people were fighting behind a business in Hereford.
A Palominas woman complained that a barefoot woman with a big dog was on her porch.
A woman in Hereford reported two stray potbelly pigs on her property.
A hospital worker said a woman from Double Adobe was bitten while trying to break up a dog fight.
A Double Adobe resident reported hearing four shots fired in two minutes, possible by an elderly man staying nearby.
• Aug. 6 – A multicolored cockatiel was found in Palominas.
A caller in Bisbee said an emaciated black dog was snarling at people and might have rabies.
There were multiple reports of loose cows on the road in Palominas (again).
A woman in McNeal complained that an acquaintance and three other people were trespassing on her property.
A woman said her neighbor told her that her trailer in Double Adobe had been broken into.
A Bisbee man said he found a very sick dog on his porch.
A Palominas man complained that when he got his car back from impound, “it was ruined.”
A fire was reported on the south side of Highway 92 between Hereford Road and Foudy.
An animal bite was reported in Hereford.
A woman in Bisbee complained that she is being harassed by her neighbors “on a constant basis.”
• Aug. 7 – A Hereford resident said a homeless man had stolen “a lot of his property.”
A caller reported an abandoned dog in Bisbee.
A man said his friend told him his house in Palominas had been broken into.
A man in Hereford said someone damaged his trailer with an axe.
A basset hound/beagle was reported missing in Hereford.
• Aug. 13 – Samuel Wright, 24, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with probation violation.
• Aug. 14 – Mark Steinberg, 62, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with probation violation.
• Aug. 15 – Clinton Shuck, 48, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with possession or use of a dangerous drug, possession or use of marijuana and possession or use of drug paraphernalia.
• Aug. 17 – Justin Coleman, 31, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with failure to appear.
• Aug. 19 – Walter Krause, 46, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with interfering with a judicial proceeding/domestic violence.
Pretrial inmates in the Cochise County Jail are innocent until proven guilty.
Aug. 13 – Sierra Vista PD asked for assistance with a shoplifter in a blue Nissan Frontier who took a donut, hamburger and newspaper from a Sierra Vista Circle K.
Something was hanging from the Iron Man statue.
A woman was trapped in the Gore Park bathroom for about half an hour.
A man made a deal with Douglas Recycling to pick up about $1,800 worth of scrap metal and cars, but the company never paid him.
Aug. 14 – A man said someone was lying on the trampoline in his neighbor’s yard, and he didn’t think he was supposed to be there.
A woman reported that two dark brindle pit bull mixes at Park and Fourth are not being properly cared for, and one is kept tethered to a fence. The responding officer told the owners it is “against City Code” to tether dogs to a structure.
A woman asked for help removing an intoxicated man from her yard. He had come to offer condolences on the loss of her husband and then refused to leave.
A caller reported a snake on a fence near Lowell School. The school was notified.
A large rattlesnake was hanging out in someone’s flower bed.
Aug. 15 – A woman said her ex-boyfriend had stolen her phone but agreed to give it back if she would meet him at Burger King, and she wanted an officer to meet her there.
A man who tried to take cookies and was fighting with customers was found to be disoriented and was taken to the hospital.
A man reported hearing shots fired.
One caller complained about a noisy generator, and another about loud music at the end of Laundry Hill.
Aug. 16 – A caller said seven shots were fired near OK Street.
A caller asked for help removing a man who had shown up at a local school and was insisting he was there to put up a new ceiling.
A caller complained that a woman walked by with her dog off-leash and ignored her when she asked her to leash it.
A man said someone had stolen a silver iPhone SE from his garage and then went into the Huachuca Terrace apartments.
A dark brindle pit bull was running loose near the Hillcrest.
A small, light brown terrier at the second house on the stairs between Circle K and Art Avenue reportedly bit someone employed to pick up garbage.
A diner at the Table said a man across the street was yelling at a wall and bouncing off a bench.
A man asked for help removing a rattler from his front porch.
Aug. 17 – A woman was causing a disturbance at a house where she’d earlier had a fight with the caller’s friend.
A caller complained that one man was sleeping in the park, and two others were smoking.
A woman with pink hair and wearing hot pink tights was reportedly walking down Bisbee Road and looking in people’s mailboxes.
A caller complained that someone keeps parking an RV and horse trailer in her parking spot.
A woman asked for help because her husband would not let her leave. Both had been drinking.
A group of people in a black sedan were reportedly “cruising and speeding” around Brewery Gulch and Main Street, “yelling and being reckless.”
Aug. 18 – A caller said a dog that had been left inside a gray Lincoln Navigator parked at the Bisbee Breakfast Club was barking and appeared to be in distress.
A caller reported seeing a snake near Western Bank that was headed “up the canyon.”
A woman said a man had entered her locked house, possibly through the doggy door, while she was in the shower, but left when she asked him to. She requested extra patrol.
A caller complained about loud music being left on at a nearby residence for the past four nights, even though nobody was home.
A group of people in a dark car were said to be yelling through a bullhorn on OK Street at 8:30 p.m.
A woman asked for help removing a man sitting on her front porch in violation of a court order.
A “suspicious” black bag reported by a caller turned out to be filled with weeds.
Aug. 19 – A man whose car was hit in the parking lot in Old Bisbee said the man who hit it gave him an expired insurance card.
A woman complained about people sleeping in City Park and requested extra patrol.
A caller reported “a really bad smell” that “could be a health hazard.” The responding officer noted there were skunks in the area.
A man said his mother sprayed him with bug poison while he was sleeping, and he was concerned about her state of mind.
Aug. 20. – A man reported that a check was taken from his mailbox and cashed.
A woman complained that cars parked on the right side of the road in front of Bisbee Office Supply have been creating a traffic hazard.
A caller said that after an officer who responded to his complaint about loud music had left, his neighbor said, “I think it’s time for some rage” and turned the music back up.
A woman asked for an officer to stand by so she could pick up her dog and cat, saying she was moving and was afraid of the current tenants.
Summary of Calls: Between Aug. 13 and 20, 2018, the Bisbee Police Department received 117 calls regarding domestic violence, welfare checks, extra patrol, harassment, theft, suspicious persons and other issues.
• Aug. 8 – A Hereford resident reported a large tan dog hanging around her house.
A yellow Lab was running loose in Palominas.
A woman in Hereford said two large Rottweilers had chased her husband and dogs.
A caller reported a bull on the side of a road in Hereford and said he would stand by for a deputy.
A caller complained that two wire-haired terriers were running loose in Hereford again.
Five cattle were loose in Palominas (again).
A caller claimed “a load” of illegal immigrants had been dropped off in Bisbee.
Someone tried to use a counterfeit $20 bill in Hereford.
• Aug. 9 – A woman in Hereford said she found a large tan dog wearing a gray “American Kennel Club” shirt.
A Double Adobe resident complained that a man she doesn’t know keeps making threatening calls in reference to “her Facebook.”
A woman reported seeing smoke near the top of the mountains near Hereford.
A Hereford resident complained about a neighbor revving an engine “very loudly for extended periods of time.”
A man in Bisbee said someone keeps cutting his fence, and he had 15 to 20 cows in his yard.
A caller said two German Shepherds/Belgian Malinois were loose on Moson Road in Hereford.
A Hereford resident complained about someone revving an engine for the past four hours.
A caller reported that a man in Hereford had been beating a dog “for some time now.”
• Aug. 10 – A woman in Bisbee asked for help removing a rattlesnake.
A Bisbee man said “the cattle are back,” and they had broken his gate and eaten the insulation off his pressure tank.
A white pit bull was reportedly running loose in Hereford.
A woman in Double Adobe said her neighbor’s dog had attacked her dog through the fence.
A man said someone drove through his property in Hereford, took out his fence, and hit a yucca and a boulder.
An animal bite was reported in Palominas.
• Aug. 11 – A caller in Hereford reported someone “in the big wash shooting numerous caliber of weapons.”
• Aug. 12 – A woman said someone hung a political sign on her fence in Double Adobe, and she wanted it removed.
A Hereford woman said her 12-year-old son wanted to file a child abuse report against her, and she would like a deputy to come to the house to talk to him.
A dark-colored pit bull was reportedly running loose for a couple of days on Calle de la Rosa in Hereford.
August 21 – Manuel Martinez, 54, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with open container, DUI and extreme DUI.
August 22 – Christopher Burgos, 39, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with failure to appear.
Aaron Rister, 31, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with possession or use of a dangerous drug and possession of drug paraphernalia.
John Sochor, 44, Palominas, was booked into jail charged with possession of marijuana, producing marijuana, possession or use of drug paraphernalia, use/ possession of a weapon in the commission of a felony, failure to appear, possession of marijuana for sale, misconduct involving body armor and conspiracy.
Abel Gamez Quinonez, 42, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with driving with suspended, revoked or cancelled driver license.
Heidi Horner, 24, Elfrida, was booked into jail charged with defacing or damaging property and fighting and disruptive behavior.
Devin Lanza, 21, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with two counts of failure to appear.
August 24- Keanna Moore, 22, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with criminal damage/domestic violence and disorderly conduct/domestic violence.
August 25 – Joy Polin, 35, McNeal, was booked into jail charged with failure to appear.
August 26 – Taryn McLeod, 32, Bisbee, was booked into jail charged with intentional injury to another, shoplifting and passive resisting arrest.
Randy Rivera, 40, Elfrida, was booked into jail charged with theft and making unreasonable noise.
Pretrial inmates in the Cochise County Jail are innocent until proven guilty.
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